Who We Are

A Team That Loves to Create

The goal of the grassroots political organization known as Void Now is to return political power to the people by replacing the current system. Our organization consists of people from many backgrounds who share a commitment to creating a society that is more fair, equitable, and environmentally sound. Our current political structure is flawed and has failed to meet the needs of the people it was meant to represent.

Here at Void Now, we hold that people of all walks of life, regardless of their origins, gender, race, or socioeconomic status, should have a say in the policies that impact them. Together, we can build a better future for everyone, which is why we are dedicated to advancing openness, responsibility, and democratic participation.

We disagree with the view that the democratic system can only be altered from within. Instead, we think that lasting change must originate at the community level and spread upwards. That's why we're hard at work creating a new type of politics that is founded on the strength of community and based on the ideals of equity, justice, and equality.

We at Void Now welcome anyone who is sick of the same old politics and is ready to be a part of something different. We have the power to change the world for the best, and future generations will be grateful to us for it.

What We Do

Keep It Simple

The mission of Void Now, a grassroots group, is to inspire community empowerment and social progress. We are confident that by joining forces, we can create a society that is more fair and livable for everyone.

Among the many causes we support, you'll find those of social justice, environmental protection, and fiscal independence. We think these problems are linked and can only be solved by taking a broad perspective.

There are many things we do and start ups we start in order to get where we want to go. Examples of this are:

Through our efforts in community organizing, we hope to galvanize and equip people to take action on problems that are important to them. Community building can take many forms, such as the coordination of social gatherings, the provision of educational opportunities, and the promotion of open communication and cooperation between residents.

Advocating for and enacting policy changes that advance social and environmental equity, individual agency in the economy, and long-term sustainability is a top priority for us. Building coalitions with other groups and advocates and lobbying elected officials are all examples of what this might look like.

To bring about more discussion and action on particular problems, we frequently organize direct actions and campaigns. Protests, rallies, and other types of direct action are all examples.

We reach out to communities and educate them on social equity, environmental sustainability, and economic empowerment through our educational and outreach programs. In addition to public speaking and media outreach, this can also involve providing resources and training on these topics.

This is part of our effort to make the world a more equitable and just place, where everyone has equal access to the tools and chances they need to succeed. We think this needs to be a group endeavor, so we invite everyone who believes in this cause to join us.